Thursday, November 12, 2009

REALLY bad haircut!! SHORT ugly posh bob but NOT. extensions, hairdo by ken paves? vitamins? help?

I spent months growing my hair long and it had gotten to be long about halfway down my back and looked really pretty except after too much dying the ends were dead. I'm home for spring break so I went to my trusted hair dresser that I've gone to for 18 years. Turns out instead of just taking the layers out she added more and took a HUGE chunk out on accident. The front looked cute so I left the salon after she charged me very little (should have known better). Anyways when I got home and looked at the back with a mirror and comments from my parents it looked AWFUL. She took a chunk out, tried to layer it but ehh! Anyways our family friend cut it all off (i had to) so like a posh bob but not since my hair is THICK, it's poofy at the ends, oompa loompa-ish. I feel terrible about myself, i look young and as mom says "cute" not mature. what should i do? extensions, expensive? hairdo by ken paves? embrace it or how to make it grow (vitamins, shampoos anyone?) help! thnz

REALLY bad haircut!! SHORT ugly posh bob but NOT. extensions, hairdo by ken paves? vitamins? help?

them vitamins and shampoos dont do anything. get extentions. i assume that you will get about 120 extentions put in which will cost about 500 euros. maybe 600 dollars i guess. thick hair doesnt really work well short, unless you use thining scissors. go to a good stylist and ask for your hair to be thinned.

REALLY bad haircut!! SHORT ugly posh bob but NOT. extensions, hairdo by ken paves? vitamins? help?

ahh! that really stinks

I'd definitley see what you could do with would probably be kind of expensive. I guess you could do a wig, but that would involve cutting your hair even shorter...

well... you can always just buy a big hat!

good luck!!!

REALLY bad haircut!! SHORT ugly posh bob but NOT. extensions, hairdo by ken paves? vitamins? help?

one word BIOTIN but another great one is Preternal for prego women but your hair will be long as hell in like 2 weeks

REALLY bad haircut!! SHORT ugly posh bob but NOT. extensions, hairdo by ken paves? vitamins? help?

For now use extensions and take vitamins until your hair grows back.

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