Thursday, November 12, 2009

If i have a fat face but very defined cheekbones what hair style should I have my hair is to the chi

my hair i s a med brown I am 200 lbs looking to thin out the face and neck i have a scar under my chin that gives a bigger chin look as well I alwasy try to get a graduated bob but little money or spending 80 dollars i end up with a big poofy fuct up bob I have had this hairstyle a cpl times evn went back to same girl she botched it worse than most lol not sure what to do plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help in time for xmas would be great and fast and esy do it your self tips for cuttin my own hair too maybe I have taken a course but i find it a lil trouble some myself and dnt have good scissors any more so i just split my haie but it always better than a salon so some one help lol and THNAKS FOR YOUR TIME!!!!!!! ANGELA

If i have a fat face but very defined cheekbones what hair style should I have my hair is to the chin and neck

a bob!

If i have a fat face but very defined cheekbones what hair style should I have my hair is to the chin and neck

it's easier to answer if we see a photo

If i have a fat face but very defined cheekbones what hair style should I have my hair is to the chin and neck

Really you need a variant of the Pageboy style.

For your description I imagine that you have a face similar to Dawn French. Have a look at her and see it you think it'll work for you.

She is actually quite pretty. Shame about her chocolate habit. Follow the link and see for yourself.

PS. I suspect that you're in the USA. If so you may not know of Dawn French. She's an English actress and comedienne who has appeared in programmes including The Vicar of Dibley (which I think has been shown in the USA).

She's married to a very large (muscular) man called Lenny Henry. So hands-off her you chaps.

If i have a fat face but very defined cheekbones what hair style should I have my hair is to the chin and neck

Up in a pony tail, or pony tail type style, which could be dressy or casual (check out, the hairstyles of the popular female black com-median.. Monique for inspiration).

The fact is that when your hair is up in a pony tail, it seemingly elongates you face, thereby making it look slimmer.

If your cheekbones bother you, make sure your pony tail is really long (i.e. don't be afraid to use extensions...even cheap clip ons) so that, it can frame your face, and soften the appearance of the cheekbones.

The long length will usually totally distract from your chin because the general thought is, long lengths are admirable, romantic and luscious(don't under-estimate peoples attraction and fascination with v.long hair).

Merry Christmas!

If i have a fat face but very defined cheekbones what hair style should I have my hair is to the chin and neck

first thing to do is go copper red (diy?), then you want a styled longish (4/5 inches) , short back and sides, with a semi-parting. this will emphasise your cheekbones. be proud of your scar (hiding lowers self esteem), if someone is rude about it, give them one of your old "p**fy f*ct up bobs" that you will no longer be needing. rofl. i can see you now, and you look grrreat.

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