I just had my hair cut, it was half way down my back and now is a short bob! must be 8 inches shorter at least.
I love it!
What's the most you ever had cut off your hair in one sitting?
yep, but i was like..4 or 5
my hair was down to my butt, and my mom(haircutter/stylist) cut it down to my chin, but it wasn't a bob
What's the most you ever had cut off your hair in one sitting?
I've just had mine cut about two hours ago. It was about five inches below my shoulders and is now shoulder length. May sound silly, but that's the shortest my hair's ever been! But the most I've had cut off was when I was about six. Down to my butt and up to just below my shoulders.
What's the most you ever had cut off your hair in one sitting?
I have had this done twice.
Once I was young (10?) and I got hair down to my mid-back cut into a really short bob.
The other time I was in college and I had hair a few inches past my shoulders and I got it cut to chin length.
What's the most you ever had cut off your hair in one sitting?
at least nine inches was cut off last time i got a haircut... it was so weird though! i would run my fingers through my hair and there was wayy less than before.. im probably not gonna cut my hair short, i love my long hair!
What's the most you ever had cut off your hair in one sitting?
6 inches i donated it to locks of love. I love having a shorter hair cut .
What's the most you ever had cut off your hair in one sitting?
11 inches and i cried, she buggered it big time.
glad urs turned out ok, sounds cool!
What's the most you ever had cut off your hair in one sitting?
When I was 12 I got my lower-back length hair chopped off to about...3-inch layers all over? I loved it! I've never looked back.
A few of my guy friends said i looked better with it shorter ... i was so made up! lol
What's the most you ever had cut off your hair in one sitting?
When I was little, I had white-blonde hair that my parents just trimmed slightly and let it grow.
When I was 12, it was just below my bum and perfectly straight and I had it cut to just above my shoulders and permed. My mum cried, dad went bonkers (and still won't let me forget it, even though I'm 31 in 2 weeks time) and my stepdad laughed his head off at me :D
What's the most you ever had cut off your hair in one sitting?
I had over 10 inches cut off in one go for charity
and ended up with a pixie crop and I love it
What's the most you ever had cut off your hair in one sitting?
I went from nearly waist length to between chin length %26amp; shoulder length! They had to have 2 people to hold my hair up and another to snip %26amp; style. It was really weird I used to try and 'brush' the whole length of my hair as it was.
What's the most you ever had cut off your hair in one sitting?
about 6inches i do it in winter great now though easy to manage and it was out of condition.
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