Thursday, November 12, 2009

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!?

Ok so sense school pictures are coming up i wanna look good. and for me the fist step to that is my hair. I'm getting it cut and dyed (or Highlighted etc.) . I have a kinda preppy style/my own style. I want it to be girlie but BOLD at the same time. I would rather have it long (so no bob cut) and the main color light blonde. Any Suggestions anyone!!??

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!?

get a face frame

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!?

you just answered your own question.

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!?

Taco Chip

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!?

What the hell is wrong with a Bob cut?

Maybe you should shave it all off to match the inside!

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!?

I think you should spend more time studying for english class than worrying about your hair. (and this comes from somebody who didn't really like school.)

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!?

how about long and blonde? hows that for a novel idea

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!? carewhat others think !!! too bad so sad !

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!?

it seems like u had noting else to do so u decided to type the question u know exactly what u want!

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!?

First off what type of hair do you have, what is your face shape. If your hair is straight get bangs that are a little below the eyebrows and get longer at the ends, ann hathaway on the devil wears prada.

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!?

how about this, it's not totally a bob but its cute.

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!?

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!?

try adding some funky colors (trying them as TEMPORARY colors are best!!!). also, ask your hairstylist. they do get paid to evaluate your best hairstyle, you know.

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!?

why is everyone so rude answering questions??? damn!

ok my answer is this: since we cant see how your face looks, post a pic so we have a better idea, how does your hair look right now? is it long? short? curly? staight? whatever you do dont listen to the hair stylist!!

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!?

it depends how long your hair is, to be honest

you could go with something that will look classy but still fun and modern, like members of the pussy cat dolls, with there long layers and full fringes


go for a completly different kinda boho style. like Nicole Richie's,

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!?

sounds cute!!!

Check this page for some ideas

Help!! Hair suggestions please!!!?

what color is your hair color now? if it isn't too dark. i would get highlights with color in between. or if you dont want to spend that much n ur hair is dark get alot of blonde highlights.

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