Thursday, November 12, 2009

African American hair: How do i stop my hair from breaking off and sheeding too much?

I went through a bad breakup and it was very stressful but that has been a few months ago and my hair is falling. Before the relationship/break up my hair was a little past my shoulders and looking really healthy. My hair fell out so badly that i had to get it cut in a bob. I started using a deep conditioner once a week (for the past 2 weeks), moisterizing my hair every other day, using a leave in conditioner, and i take a hair, skin and nails vitamin. My bob has grown out but hair is still breaking and sheeding, i noticed the last time i washed my hair my was shorter and broken off at the top part of my head. When i started noticing the breakage i decided to stop getting relaxers for a while. After treating my hair the breakage has decreased, but what should i do to stop this? Will going from relaxers to natural cause my hair to break?

African American hair: How do i stop my hair from breaking off and sheeding too much?

If you keep taking care of your hair how you currently are your hair will start growing faster again. It just takes time. Make sure that you start using all natural hair care products like beauty 4 ashes super hair growth products or Aubrey organics to provide maximum moisture to your hair. Using natural hair care products will help keep your hair from being dry and brittle and thus more prone to breaking. Hope this helps.

African American hair: How do i stop my hair from breaking off and sheeding too much?

stop putting relaxer in your hair!

my mom had the same problem she hasnt relaxed her hair in like a year

i would just not put relaxer then braid your hair and never leave your hair untreated without any moisturizer and never without any like extentions to protect your hair

dont put in any relaxer at all just keep your hair like moisturezed then you should be fine

African American hair: How do i stop my hair from breaking off and sheeding too much?

Rainwater. I'm dead serious. Laugh and thumbs-down this answer all you want, but I'm dead serious. Rainwater is the best remedy for hair and skin. Next time it rains, do outside and allow yourself to get wet with it. Air-dry afterwards, do not wash or rinse afterwards. Comb it once dry. It will be unbelievably soft, shiny, and strong. This will work! Trust me!

Safty reminders (you probably knew already, but I don't want you to get hurt):

~Wear rubber shoes

~Check that it's not acid rain (yukyuk)

~Don't slip, it'll ruin your day

~You don't have to soak your hair, just make sure it feeels wet to touch.

~Don't do anything afterwards. Just dry your body off with a towel.

I'm sorry if you have to wait for rain to come, but trust me! It will work! Hopefully you live in Seattle, or somewhere close? Good luck!

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